House System

The Woodstock School lays equal emphasis on intellectual as well as spiritual pursuits of its students. The entire school is divided into four houses. They are :

  • Each house has a house master and an assistant house person. House Captains are selected each year from the most senior class on the basis of all round performance. Inter House activities and competitions are held to inculcate house spirit. House T-Shirt/Track pants are to be worn on Wednesdays.
  • Each house has a House Mistress and tutors to guide the students. They begin learning to organise their own work and, with the guidance of their tutors,make genuine choices from the moment they enter the Primary Wing.
  • Their progress is carefully monitored at every stage and every detail recorded. More than just a teacher, the tutor keeps an eye on his/her tutorial group. The two meet regularly to discuss the pupil's progress and problems. The House Mistress and tutors act as a vital link in the system, acting as friends, advisors and confidants. Most of the staff act as tutors.
  • The House System inculcates the qualities of leadership, co-operation, mutual understanding, tolerance and self reliance. Various activities such as dramatics, elocution, quiz, group singing, dance etc. are organized to build up team spirit. Besides this the students are initiated into community service and social work.
  • NOTE : To inculcate the true spirit of belongingness to the House, it is mandatory that the students wear House Uniform on Wednesday.